Rodrigo Sobarzo de Larraechea / Veem House for Performance
2013‘Immersion’ is the main focus in A P N E A. In this performative event an underwaterworld is being simulated by means of sound waves. It confronts us with what is normally taken for granted: the vital and constant presence of air all around us.
The submersion of the body under water is aiming to ‘immortalize’ the body by means of air privation. Under water, we are seeking to dive into an atemporal territory, created by the vibrant quality of underwater motion: space becomes slow, the body is physically and mentally suspended. We arrive in that place of discomfort created by the lack of oxygen and water pressure. How will the body move under these extreme conditions? And which thoughts simmer on the surface when we find ourselves in this vacuum?
CONCEPT AND PERFORMANCE: Rodrigo Sobarzo de Larraechea
PRODUCTION: Veem House for Performance
CO-PRODUCTION: workspacebrussels and Dance4 Nottingham
WITH THE SUPPORT OF: PACT Zollverein, Summer Studios by workspacebrussels and The International Dance Program Malmö